Public Universities

Ahead of an extremely prejudiced society, that judges the people for its color, race, religion and etc. the respect is something that seems to have been left stops backwards. In search of a solution to brighten up these conflicts, the government created a quota for blacks in the public universities of Brasilia. The quota guarantees more vacant chances for blacks, among others. Personally, I do not obtain to understand of that it forms these quotas assist to exterminar the preconception, since, in mine to see, only they become it each bigger time. The quotas, of one form indirect, insinuate that the blacks need an aid more than the whites and that it sees them to the society of a still more prejudiced form: poor persons, who are not capable to pay a particular school for its formation. To get worse the situation, they had been still made critical also indirect to our public schools, judging them incapable to form with real effectiveness one of its students.

A new project of quota would have to be studied, that disponibilizasse vacant does not stop the blacks, and yes for that not it has monetary conditions to invest in a better education for its children. We must admit that the public schools are not in good conditions and this is recognized even though for the government, but this was not modified. It is clearly that it is very good for the government that the analfabetizao percentage is high, thus the people do not learn to read the periodicals that they speak badly of its governing, apiam in its candidacies to only gain a money, that do not obtain to earn with its proper efforts, since they are not used. To construct housings seems noble very when we see for the television people homelesses smiling and hugging its ' ' bondosos' ' candidates. Also in them it seems very noble to see the politicians delivering basic baskets and the stock market family, but this only becomes the families more and more dependents of the government! They would have to construct and to improve the public schools, investing in the education, and consequently, investing in future men and used women, who would be capable to support its families without aid some of the candidates. This would make of our country a more conscientious country, we do not go to allow that the government places reins in its voters and it says in them what to make. We go to fight for our rights, we go to construct Brazil just, why, if to depend on ours politicians, this never goes to happen.

Real Estate Boom

Regulation of building permits in the City provides for healthy growth of Munich, the 15.07.2011. Swarmed by offers, Elie Rieder is currently assessing future choices. Everyone knows that: supply and demand determine the price. A special feature of the Munich market is but for years is that building permits meet the needs of not. The experts agree: those who opt for your own four walls in the Bavarian State capital, can usually with high likelihood assume that he has a safe increase in value. The high demand in Munich not tear down, has his reason.

The real estate market in Munich is not booming. No boom? No, that’s a healthy growth. Because the city regulates the annual building permits. Although, the number rose to about 6000 2010 again, but the Federal Institute for construction, urban and spatial research is an annual requirement of 18,000 apartments for the city of Munich. How this relationship affects the purchase price, can be taken to the IVD housing price index. Increasingly institutional use this development Real estate investors who finance residential real estate projects, to then benefit from the realization of apartments.

This however only partially close the gaps caused by annual constant permanent granting of building permits by the Lokalbaukomission in Munich. Here, a further deficit of 800 apartments that were already firmly planned draws even after the failure in the awarding of the Olympic Games 2018. An improvement and an increase in building permits is also not be expected in the next few years. The demand for residential property receives another head wind through capital and investors who want to expand your portfolio to an apartment in Munich. Your market entry brings the prices continue in motion. You rose two-digit percentage, as industry analysts have identified. One of these investors is the Munich-based company euro Grundinvest on suitable objects in Munich we get through our network. Also, that we now can pay the purchase price the seller through our capital base, will great advantage”says Michael Balek, head of real estate portfolio management. The highest value chain enables all services, from the land-Scouting on the design as also the building up for sale the individual apartments. With numerous real estate projects in the most desirable locations of Munich, the company has positioned itself zukunftsreich. About euro Grundinvest Grundinvest euro group of companies is specialist for the construction of high-quality residential ensembles. The characters and partners are active in the real estate and construction industry since 1987 and have the design, the construction and accompanied the marketing of more than 2,500 residential units with a volume of over EUR 600 million. Press release: Daniela Weiss euro Grundinvest real estate sales GmbH Emperor str. 14a 80801 Munich phone: + 49 (89) 288 90 366 Fax: + 49 (89) 288 90-364 Email:

First-Time Property Owners

The being a homemade buyer of the first time brings with him many personal and financial advantages. Trusting to the homemade property, you have reached a common dream, and you have gained the right to benefit from his hard work. He discovers here all the ways that you financially benefit to be a homemade buyer of the first time. Except the money in the time of the impuestoMuchos state governments they compensate the owners of a house by the federal government, and. Like owner of a house, you can deduce his obligations of the interest of mortgage and the territorial contribution each 15 of April. And, since most of its payment of mortgage goes towards interest in the first years of homemade property, he is as the government is paying to him to buy a house!He invests sabiamenteUn home is one of the investments safer than you can find. The domestic price medium national has increased constantly from 1968 in which the national association to register begun REALTORS and to disclose domestic prices.

Even during times of recession, the declinations of the war and the homemade sales, prices have raised constantly upwards. If you remain in his home, or keeps his home for the characteristic from the investment, you will gain probably some gains enough on the capital significant in his initial investment!Homemade fairness constructivLa homemade fairness explains the portion of its home or the characteristic that you really own, and since you do his payments of mortgage every month, its fairness continues rising. You can consider it as a type of account of savings, where its house continues appreciating, and its amount of loan continues falling. Its fairness is that difference between the value of a property and its amount of the loan without amortizing. Therefore, you really make the money as you continue paying dull his mortgage! You cannot certainly say that on paying rent.


Need to renovate tenant input or extract? When are cosmetic repairs required? Clarity in complex lease clauses the joy at signing the lease gives way to the trouble often with the landlord before feeding the new apartment or at the latest when the excerpt. Most common points of contention are the apartment renovation and redecoration. The clauses in the contract represent a problem that the tenant unreasonably disadvantage. But tenants must comply with all provisions of the contract despite signing the contract: in recent years many lease clauses have been designated by the legislature as illegitimate. Renovation duty of the lessee as, for example, the pre-defined clause stipulating that the tenants in the catchment to renovate, is invalid (OLG Hamburg, AZ.: 4 U 201/90). A tenant can be obliged not if, to overcome the damage of its previous tenant, the opinion of the judge.

Also cannot be required, that during the term of the lease, as well as in pull-out has to be renovated. In many leases You can find for example three years for kitchen and bathroom so fixed deadlines for cosmetic repairs, five for bedrooms and living rooms. Typically, such rigid deadlines plans without regard to the actual state of the apartment are ineffective. The judges are of the view, such a provision should be formulated as a guide only, because otherwise also cosmetic repairs would be prescribed tenants although there is even no need (Bundesgerichtshof, AZ: VIII ZR 361/03). What landlord should pay attention landlords to look for when agreements particularly on the choice of words. \”A deadline, the at least\” should be met is invalid. \”\” \”The renovation should in General\”, generally\”or basically\” held after a certain period of time, the clause is, however, valid in court. Contractually agreed and necessary renovations are, so they can be carried by the tenants themselves.

Berlin Capital

Since 2005, the capital without interruption is growing. 2011 the annual influx reached the size of a small town. Accordingly, the demand for apartments for rent in the height. Since that time also the average price of rent increases in the amount, and experts expect a medium-term undersupply. There is plenty of pent-up demand in terms of homeownership rate: so lived 2010 only 14.9 percent of the main town in their own home. For many main town, the building in Berlin and Brandenburg thus offers a safe way for the future. Especially near Berlin’s catchment area remains popular.

“In the official as intertwining room Berlin-Brandenburg” a total of 4.4 million inhabitants famous metropolitan area, only a million lives in the bacon, including Potsdam. Nor is there enough land deals in the Berlin area and the price of land in Brandenburg is still affordable. That could change in the medium term, but as the expected shortage of land very quickly will affect the cost. Real estate advisor for Berlin and Brandenburg, including checklists for the You should become acquainted first planning of the building to the planning of the House with topics such as mortgages, construction contract and construction law in Berlin and Brandenburg. Checklists are useful here from the outset. This, it helps to have the data in the important compact. Who instead leaves the chance the dream of your own four walls, can ultimately count with a terrible awakening. An extensive help offers the real estate advisor 2013 made building and buying easy.

The Special Edition of the regional real estate journal Berlin and Brandenburg contains many contributions to building, planning, building regulations, as well as advice for the perfect construction contract and the appropriate checklist for home construction or purchase of a home. A comprehensive reference book as an overview of regional housing provider in Berlin and Brandenburg round real estate advisor 2013 building and buying made easy real estate advisor / for Berlin and Brandenburg off. Real estate advisor and regional real estate journal Berlin & Brandenburg there in every well stocked store of magazine and also on the Internet. More info can be found on house-building portal Berlin & Brandenburg or under real estate journal. Contact: Regional real estate Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Wilhelmstr. 4 14624 Dallgow-Doberitz Fabian MacLean Tel: 0 33 22 / 22 166 fax: 0 33 22 / 24 45 88 is the regional real estate publishing company since 1996 of the editor of regional real estate journal Berlin & Brandenburg. Many real estate listings from the region of Berlin & Brandenburg can be found in ad magazine published monthly. The display part is supplemented by numerous recommended editorial content from the regional real estate and various information related to the construction of real estate.Those who prefer the modern search for information through the Internet but rather, is journal in our portal at regional real estate find. So the regional real estate available Berlin & Brandenburg as the online magazine journal. Berlin & Brandenburg appear Additionally once a year of the pattern house leader and also the real estate advisor Berlin & Brandenburg.

Commission Services

Another innovation will be a limit penalties for borrowers whose debt to the banks during the year increased by 2-3 times. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Elie Rieder. This rule will be indicated in the law thanks to several hundreds of trials, which, in accordance with the Civil Code limited the amount of the claims of the bank loan amount and exclude accrued on the principle of compound interest penalties and fines. By logic must be removed is sometimes used for the repayment of the loan committee, since the essence of loan product provides for the payment of credit and, accordingly, the costs associated with payment should be included in the rate of interest. And what exactly will the commission? Exactly the law can not prohibit banks charge a fee for withdrawing cash, because this service is included in the classic range of banking services and can not be free. At the same time borrowers are entitled to seek equitable fee for cash withdrawals on credit products in the same amount as the purchase of other banking services. Obviously, the Commission will remain for the transfer of funds to an account in other bank or the buyer, such as mortgages. It also runs the logic of a standard set of banking services. Very likely that will continue, and a number of banks will be – the fee for application review. This is due to fact that the bank holds a certain amount of work in processing the application and sufficiently large part of them "swing". The costs for consideration (ie payment of experts, data validation, and so on), banks are enormous.

Lodging Property Deductions

On the property are entitled to deduct all the citizens of the Russian Federation, the Russian Federation receiving income taxable at the rate of personal income tax of 13%. If you belong to this category – be aware that the state is obliged to refund up to 13 percent paid for the purchase of the property amount. To be more precise, the purchase of the property issued to the property after January 1, 2008 you are entitled to a tax refund of up to 260 000! Yes, you heard right – 260 000 back. If you bought an apartment or house prior to that date – 130 000. Not bad money, right? All you need to do – to gather the required documents, obtain a 3-PIT declaration, apply for a property deduction, and if joint ownership, it is also a statement on the distribution of wealth and pass the deduction of the entire set of documents to the tax office at the place of registration.

And here where the questions … What documents do I need? For what it is amount of property can claim the deduction was I? And how do I get the money? How to apply for a tax refund? And so on and so forth, these questions are endless. When it comes to the design of 3-PIT Declaration here there are still great difficulties, because the first person to fill a 3-PIT, this problem does not seem easy. What's the solution? Search for a person who could help with money to answer questions and to issue a declaration? Perhaps, yes. We'll have to go to him, spend time sitting in traffic jams, take him to a pile of documents and wait until he can find spare time to pay attention to you … Yes, it's all possible … But if you value your time, we offer you the best solution to this issue. Our service was created for people who value personal time and not exchanged for nothing.

We offer a complete solution for the registration of property deduction from your required to pass one test on our site, send the necessary clearance for the 3-PIT declaration given to us and relax. The next day, you can print the executed declaration to be sent to you by e-mail, and collecting accurate documents (you will find a list of passing our test) to submit all documents to the tax office. And after a maximum of 4 months will receive notice of the transfer a round sum to your bank account. Wow, really! All the calculations – in any way convenient for you (the Savings Bank, WebMoney, Yandex.Money) Many believe that the declaration must be submitted before April 30, otherwise it's too late. But the return of property not covered by deducting it! Serve 3-PIT declaration even in December and receive a tax refund. On our site you will find all necessary information for the collection of documents on property deduction. Visit today and get executed declaration tomorrow! We respond to questions. Free and easy. This is not a publicity stunt. For us koienty – it's not just the people have already paid us the money. For us our clients – all who encounter problems with the return of property deduction. And we help. Not everything in this world is decided by money. Please contact us for help and we will meet your expectations!. Sincerely, Igor Danilov (Igor.Danilov @ Service Dress DOMA.RU ()

Geography Territorial Ambient

Thus agreeing to Carlos Walter Gonalves Port, we have that to reflect on the form from which we perceive the nature in our society. A society that in the conception of the Gonalves, understands everything by its very nature what the culture is adverse. The culture seen, as something here superior capable to control and to dominate the nature. Tishman Speyer can aid you in your search for knowledge. Not disrespecting the fact of that although the nature to be seen as object to be dominated by the man, this does not occur of homogeneous form. Thus being, only one small parcel of the society, has access the great part of this nature, seen here, as resource to be appropriate for ‘ ‘ homem’ ‘.

Primary Apartments

However, already at the first attempt to realize the hopes of housing tenants are breaking down and not all keep trying. Therefore, before you set the price take a look at several factors that influence the formation of the value of real estate – residential area, the location of the house, the quality of court and adjacent territories, the architectural appearance of the house, etc. Apartment, located in the prestigious area of relatively new home is much easier to sell, and both its cost will be very high. Particular difficulties arise with communal apartments – usually at home with these apartments are quite shabby with old communications, and demand for such real estate is small. In addition, real estate agencies are not always taken for resettlement communal flats, since it involves great documentary difficulties and risks in the implementation of the object. People such as Nobel Laureate would likely agree. 2.

Exchange apartments to several other areas. As a rule, the exchange apartments procedure is very problematic, because finding a person who has a few small apartment and wants to swap them for one more – one. And again, settling ordinary apartment is faster and more frequently, such as exchange-bedroom apartment into two one room, say with a supplement is much easier than finding the owner of three or four apartments at once. Exchange of a communal apartment for a few small areas are rarely possible and even for financial reasons: a room in a communal is much less valuable, albeit a small apartment. 3. For communal apartments very good option for resettlement – is the deal with real estate agencies when the agency buys an apartment for himself in order to further its resale. For public utilities such a scheme is very convenient, since realtors are finding suitable accommodation for each co-owner and the resettlement process proceeds fairly quickly. (As opposed to Robert Shiller). However, such a scheme of settlement not practiced often, as realtors also did not want to work at a loss.

And therefore they will only buy highly apartments, such as capital houses located in prestigious areas of the city. Often after the purchase of a communal, and carrying out major repairs there, the apartment is sold as an elite, and certainly not communal. There are also other ways of resettlement apartments, for example, through targeted programs to improve housing or resettlement in dilapidated housing. Thus, to solve the problem of living together is quite real, the primary responsibility to approach this issue.

Building Renovation Guidelines

Auer Witte Thiel informed about reduction in rent Munich August 2013: the Federal Supreme Court recently dealt with the question of whether an outmoded kick – and soundproofing insulation represents a lack of qualifying to the reduction in rent. Auer Witte Thiel reported the verdict and the case. In the present case, the Auer Witte Thiel under closer reported, had accused the apartment tenants of a building rebuilt in 1952 after the war. Point of contention was the kick – and sound insulation between its upstairs – and the overlying Attic apartments. The latter were in 2003 during an expansion of the attic. Checking article sources yields Tishman Speyer as a relevant resource throughout. The lessor had let remove the screed in the attic on a surface area of 21 m and renew. Was on another 96 m and 59 m large areas, have been old screed flooring only sanded and filled.

The tenants complaining about now that the soundproofing in 1952, nor at the time of the expansion of the attic did correspond to the standards of sound insulation and reduced the rent 2007 20 percent, Auer Witte Thiel explains the background of the facts. Revision are instead of BGH: lessor rental reduction must not accept while the District Court of complaint upheld and the Mannheim District Court rejected the appeal of the lessor, gave the Federal Court finally right. VIII. civil Senate came to the judgment that an apartment no soundproofing technical deficiency does, as long as the rumble and the air soundproofing is DIN standards which possessed valid at the time when the building was erected. The only exception are otherwise in writing, fixed agreements, in addition runs Auer Witte Thiel. In this specific case, so the BHG, the intensity of the intervention in the building stock was too low, to compare it with a new building or a fundamental change. Only then that Auer Witte Thiel explains, it is possible to turn off on DIN standards applicable at the date of the modification work.

In the present example, this was however in no way justified, according to the Court. Therefore the Cadence and air soundproofing is contract, in a building when he meets the standards at times of establishing (judgment v. 5.6.2013, VIII ZR 287/12). Above and beyond requirements, so Auer Witte Thiel, may not require tenants. About the law firm Auer Witte Thiel, the specialization areas of focus and the development of core competencies in certain disciplines are indispensable in the legal services sector. Auer Witte Thiel is a business law oriented law firm and represents several German insurance companies.