Harry Potter

You can buy almost any book comes that me to the mind, without having that to dislocate itself physically. If its interest will be the Bible or something more similar to Harry Potter, will have literally many hours of reading available. You may want to visit Elie Rieder to increase your knowledge. Personally, I find incredible that you can read one such volume of books in a portable so small device. The best characteristic is that auto it if illuminates in way that you can read in the dark one without lighting the lights, becoming the necessity of any illumination unnecessary. It also has ‘ ‘ jogos’ ‘ for this device.

All the games that you can have previously played on iTouch or iPhone estaro available, in bigger numbers and better definition of image. I can guarantee that each game, as for example ‘ ‘ Angry Birds’ ‘ , it is not amused to play in the Ipad that in the device iTouch. Greater is better, as they say. I could continue writing indefinitely, therefore he has as many only characteristics in this device, but still not even I spoke on the appearance of iPad Tablet. Its design is innovative and has air of classroom, elegant, but also of adaptable useful size becoming in any situation. With regard to functionality, I can testify personally that it is very soft and very better of what any another similar device in the market. In the reality, for many users any another computer of the type ipad tablet that it is not of ‘ ‘ Apple’ ‘ it is considered as imitation. This is incredible as this disposiivo obtained to firm the mark of the Apple.

September Customers

The social medias if had become a true phenomenon. Blogs, Orkut, Facebook, Twitter, fruns, e-groups, instant messengers, wikis and sites of Sharing (YouTube, Flickr) are visited daily by 2/3 of the global population. In Brazil, 80% of the users of the net use the social medias, and the time expense in the sites of relationship has superior growth three times to the average of the Internet. The people search in the social medias a space to share experiences, to find people and to increase its nets of contact. Communities had appeared of diverse subjects, grouping using for gostos, opinions interests. It did not delay companies very to discover them that these nets could be an efficient and fast form to divulge its mark and still to narrow the relation to the customers.

A study made in September of 2008 for the American company Cone INCORPORATION (social Business in measured study) it evidenced that 93% of the users of social medias believe that the companies would have to be in these nets, and 85% believe that these companies must not only be in the social nets, but also to interact with its customers. Corporative Petrobra’s, and IBM had clearly created blogs. Dell, Samsung, Starbucks and Ford had adhered to microblog Twitter to keep the informed customers of its new features. Small the average companies also are discovering the advantages of the net. Its products and services are divulged world-wide the millions of interested consumers each time more. The companies use this strategy of marketing to become the mark accessible its customers, being inserted it in day-by-day of its consumer, and to inform them of all the updates, since launchings of products until promotions and offers.

An interactive form becomes, and in real time, to be in constant contact with the customer, who can give its suggestions and make its claims. Between the advantages he is feedback immediate of the acceptance of the product and the mark. It is possible to say that the social medias had become the relations between companies and customers, who before were strict commercial, in social relations.


At first glance there is nothing criminal. Natural person willing desire to buy a new building under construction for an interesting price and a very eminent developer in 2007 in Noginsk. Is a preliminary contract of sale and the buyer makes a full price only very complicated scheme: Seller apartments under the preliminary agreement is a single legal entity (LLC-1), an eminent developer is just an agent (LLC-2), ie, the mediator, and payment of the cost of this Apartments made on account of a third entity (LLC-3). Thus, the price of new construction is out of commission the eminent builder, paid on his account, and direct cost of an apartment, paid on a / c OOO-3. Communication between all these firms and the base of cooperation likely backed by some contracts, but we do not know and probably will never know, but oh well! We also have an agreement on replacing the parties in the contract and according to him all legitimate. It is clear that, for sure, all three of our company are part of the same company and designed to overcome the tax burden, so to say "drive money to the accounts." But in the case of any differences between the legal person may have many problems to the buyer and the end of course will not prove as receiving money from a company-LLC-3 in its entirety will probably not possible or payment will be not complete. At worst, the consequences are that the sale agreement may be terminated by the court, and an intricate scheme of buying the property would deprive the evidence. Frankly, I think that ill-fated mistress Apartments advised to get rid of it, from here, and nervous behavior, and the haste, and the denial, accompanied by the Moscow Realtors.

After analyzing all of this, I rang Helen and said he would not recommend buying this apartment, and briefly explain why. She paid the analyst and bought a completely different apartment in our agency with a blank document and appropriate vendors, who have nothing to hide. Here's a story. It can happen to anyone who thinks he's smarter than everyone else, those of civilized people around the world who seek qualified help to specialized firms. Especially when it comes to housing! copyright LPI

Real Estate Transactions

Another important issue related to real estate is a recognition of the real estate transaction invalid. Transactions with real estate may be invalidated in the following cases: Transaction is incapable .Soglasno articles 32 and 33 of the Civil Code recognizes incapable citizens, limited in capability by the court due to abuse of alcohol or drug placed under guardianship. Guardians of the law are the representatives of the Trust and perform on their behalf and on their behalf all necessary transactions. The trustees agree to commit those transactions that citizens who are under guardianship, shall not perform alone, in particular, any transaction with the property: sell, give, devise, exchange, buy it. On the basis of Art.

37 Civil Code guardian, trustee, their spouses and close relatives shall not perform any transactions with a ward, and no right to represent it in transactions or in the conduct of litigation. Article 43 of the Fundamentals of Russian legislation on notaries found: 'If it turns out the certificate transactions capacity of citizens and to verify the legal capacity of legal persons involved in the transactions. In the case of the transaction and the representative checked his credentials. " However, the law says nothing about the law notary appoint expertise and put before an expert a question: can a citizen to understand the nature committed by his actions and understands the legal consequences of the transaction, since the sale, will, exchange, donation of housing can significantly worsen the situation of the citizen, and that becomes the cause of the professional situation in the housing market.

Turkey “Happy Land”

“Happy Land” is a regular project of Kadriye Inshaat. Property in Turkey, and the company Kadriye Insaat – inseparable. The Company enters into an association of companies Ekshioglu Ek-Yapi, which has for several years has established itself as a reliable developer. On account of “Personnel Insaat has erected more than 1000 homes in Turkey, including Istanbul and . Property in Turkey, built “Frame Insaat – a guarantee of quality and reliability.

Just reliability and responsibility to make “Personnel Insaat good partner, including for real estate agencies in Turkey, in particular for” Emlak Estate. Experts “Emlak Estate already visited the presentation of the new project. The new project “Happy Land” (“Happy Land”) is a complex of 172 villas located in Kadriye, not far from Belek. Property in Turkey, built on such a wonderful place, perfect for the holiday vacation and accommodation, as well as for rental housing. Only 28 miles separate set of “Happy Land” from the airport of , Belek and the center – only 1.5 km. In the vicinity of stretched five golf courses, in addition to eight more being built, taking into account how quickly the growing interest in Belek is known as an international golf course. Real estate in Turkey involves thought-out infrastructure.

During the construction of “Personnel Insaat trying to provide any desire for future owners of villas: for their swimming pools, shops, tennis courts, volleyball and basketball courts, security. Property in Turkey, united in a complex style of golf course – this was not yet! Style golf course creates a special atmosphere – a vast lawn, which lie under the azure sky, sparkling in the ponds under the bright sun rays of small fish This is reminiscent of a paradise, painted by professional artists. In the role of a master, creating a new set, new real estate in Turkey, is a company “Personnel Inshaat. One of the agencies with which you can buy and a property in Turkey – agency Emlak Estate. The acquisition of houses or other real estate in Turkey, “Emlak Estate” – it is not only convenient and pleasant, but profitable, because agency does not take commissions. When purchasing property in Turkey share of the costs associated with the flight and a stop during a study tour, is sure to be compensated. “Happy Land” or “Happy Land” is waiting its inhabitants!

Property Prices

According to data obtained from studies with fotocasa.es business school IESE, falling house prices in Spain was 4% compared to May 2009. Minor changes in prices for Spanish property (as an aside increase or to decrease) observed in recent years, show a decrease in the rate of decline in housing prices. Compared with April 2010, the value of the property in May decreased by 0.5%. The most critical prices – in San Sebastian Huelva and according to analysis conducted by fotocasa.es there is a difference between property prices in Madrid, where prices are highest, and in the Spanish province where the minimum price. To be precise, this a difference of up to 3700 euros per square meter. Thus, buying a home in San Sebastian (the most expensive city in Spain) with an average cost of housing 5553 / m2 will cost you at 209% more expensive than the cheapest home in this respect in the city – Huelva, where the average price of property is 1794 / m2. Consequently, in San Sebastian to live three times more expensive than in Huelva.

On the other hand, according to research from Asturias and the Balearic Islands – the only stand-alone community in Spain, where in May 2010 was recorded an increase in housing prices. The Balearic Islands a price increase of 2.4% compared to May of 2009 interrupted the 33-month period during which prices have steadily dropped, and was the highest since July 2007. In Asturias, on the contrary, the third month an increase in property prices in May, as it stood at 3.8%, the highest since August 2007. In turn, the Basque Country, Madrid and Catalonia among all the autonomous communities of Spain are in positions of leadership in value of real estate, while the lowest property prices recorded in Extremadura, Castilla-La Mancha and Murcia. Thus, the average the price of a house of 80 m2 in Spain ranges from 303 040 euro (Basque Country) to 134 560 EUR (Extremadura). In the north of Spain, the most expensive housing according to a study of ten centers fotocasa.es autonomous communities of Spain, where fixed the highest real estate prices, eight are located in the north. Thus, according to the company "Gulf Stream" and specialists Site the most expensive of all the provinces of the center of San Sebastian is the average cost of 5553 / m2.

This is followed by Barcelona (4174 / m2), Bilbao (3929 / m2), Madrid (3606 / m2), Vitoria (3163 / m2), Pamplona (3047 / m2), Santander ( 3006 / m2), Cadiz (2953 / m2), Girona (2877 / m2) and A Coruna (2809 / m2). On the other hand, the ten provincial capitals, where most low-income housing, leading the coastal city of Huelva, where the price of housing starts from 1794 / m2. It is followed by Lleida (1841 / m2), Caceres (1841 / m2), Murcia (1892 / m2), Castellon de la Plana (1951 / m2), Ciudad Real (1956 / m2), Alicante (1962 / m2), Zamora (1966 / m2), Ourense (1975 / m2) and Jaen (2015 / m2). Source: Nedvzhimost in Spain

Property Complex

Increased demand leads to rising prices. 2. Usefulness. Usefulness is the ability of goods (services) or of property satisfy certain human needs. More than capable of meeting the needs of a given thing, the greater the demand for it.

Rising utility usually is accompanied by: an increase in prices. 3. Deficit. Despite in high demand and high utility, no property will have value as long as there is no deficit. 4. -Ability to transfer property rights.

Any thing just becomes a commodity (and, accordingly, acquires value) when there is the possibility of transferring ownership of it. Due to various needs and functions in practice, the appraiser uses the following basic types of value. Grounded market value – the price is typical for this type of property in a competitive and open market. Involves free-ing competition, when both the buyer and seller are rational and cost-conscious, having necessary information and not feeling any external constraints in the transaction. Read more here: Elie Rieder. This value is used in cases related to the alienation and transfer of ownership. Normative calculated value – the value Property Complex, calculated on the basis of the relevant authorities approved methods and standards. The application uses union scale ratios (rates, ratios, unit prices) for considered types of property complexes. An example of the regulatory cost is calculated the taxable value of property companies. The tax base for – calculating tax on the assets of the company is the average annual net book-value of fixed assets, intangible assets, inventories and costs. To calculate the cost of supply included taxation, taken recorded in the balance sheet asset balances respective accounts, property company accounting.

Foreign Direct Investment

Contents: 1.Rezyume article 2.Opredelenie legal status of foreign citizens in the Republic of Turkey Republic of Turkey 2.1.Konstitutsiya 2.2.Grazhdansky Code of the Republic of Turkey Republic of Turkey 2.3.Zakon "On Foreign Direct Investment "2.4.Zakon Turkish Republic" On encouraging tourism "2.5.Zakon Turkish Republic" On the condominium "2.6.Zakon Turkish Republic" On Mineral Resources "3.Printsip reciprocity 3.1.Isklyucheniya in reciprocity 4.Zakonnye limitations and compliance with laws and 5.Turetskoe citizens of the Russian Federation with the principle of reciprocity 5.1.Opredelyaemsya 5.2.Opredelyaemsya security issues 5.3.Investitsii in the tourism sector 5.4.Pravo ownership of buildings and land ownership 5.5.Pravo 5.6.Peredacha 5.7.Nasledovanie ownership of real estate law 5.8.Ogranichennoe ownership of the property 6.Registratsiya rights to real estate 6.1.Dokumenty required individuals to register property Conclusions and recommendations 1.Rezyume article: Countries come together boundaries become notional, Europe will soon become one big country, the first steps – the organization of the European Parliament and the introduction of the single European currency – have been made. In this regard, relevant legal issues are regulation of national legislation on the purchase of real estate by foreign nationals. Turkey has long been a candidate for membership of a united Europe and, I hope it will soon become a full participant. More and more Russian citizens rests on the Turkish resorts, many businessmen have an interest in the Turkish economy, Russian investments have long and fruitful work in Turkey. Trade and social relations between our two countries flourish, especially in the tourism and energy sectors. To date, several thousand Russians already have a property in Antalya, Istanbul, Izmir and other cities Turkey, a number of people willing to buy a property in the tens of thousands.

Kruger National Park Safari

Telescope are planned by long hand, and who make vacation plans for South Africa, should the current early booking special by sunny cars don’t miss out. Munich, 12 September 2013 (w & p) of car rental brokers holiday car offers for South Africa at time of booking until October 31, 2013, with all major services, the tourist-friendly full full tank control, to air conditioning, as well as an additional driver to the weekly price from 145 euro. The price action is not always easy to many attractions waiting for November 1, 2013 until 31 October 2014th to commit on an itinerary in South Africa, for the travel period, to be discovered. On a car trip, sightseeing, Safari and beach holiday can be combined but excellent. Learn more on the subject from Down2Earth. Who starts from Durban on the East Coast, which can on the local sandy beach golden mile”relax and then go in the Kruger National Park Safari experience with the Blyde River Canyon and the Drakensberg world famous natural attractions. An ideal The starting point is also Cape Town: from there, a day trip to the Cape of good hope in the South or a multi-day trip along the garden can route up to the port city, Port Elizabeth be undertaken with a detour in the Addo Elephant Park. South Africa is with sunny cars all-round protection and affordable experience: In the context of the current specials, there is the car for the travel period of November 1, 2013 to 30 April 2014 in the smallest category including air conditioning from 153 EUR per week. For example, a vehicle of the type Toyota Corolla, who needs more space, can book vierturig and with air conditioning, to the weekly price from 200 euros. The Safari vehicle with four-wheel drive, for example a car of the type Toyota Couble cab canopy, is available to 572 euros per week.

Prefabricated Houses

A technologically advanced society has developed many new ways of using the information that flows from our brains. Official site: Greenberg Traurig. People sometimes seem to forget that the information collected on all databases in the world ever were humble thoughts from the mind of someone. Design ideas and changes of recent years have produced not only by the team of intervention, but by human thought processes. Granted computers have helped in many types of design work, as it is the case with designs that make up the new and better ideas that are emerging in the modular home industry. However, computers lack the ability to feel human. They lack the ability to match the color and shape to a particular State of mood or element. A related site: John Savignano mentions similar findings.

Some argue that such things are only a stone’s throw to become something that computers be able to soon. And if that is true, I think that it will be a sad day for humanity, losing what we are, what makes us unique, what It keeps us driven, computers. But for the moment computers can do such things effectively. Computers can do a lot, but it will never be able to imitate eyes in relation to the heart and soul of the person. As with many types of design that takes place in our modern world, prefabricated houses have begun to incorporate the best the world has to offer not only in the construction of ideas and knowledge, but also in environmental control, ecological awareness, advanced electronics and computerized functionality, things that make the construction of houses subject staff. More and more prefabricated, building houses are larger and offer a greater range of options that can be incorporated into a design modular home.

Things like the advanced lighting controls centralised, State of control technique of the climatic zone, integrated protection systems that monitor the House for things such as water, fire and carbon monoxide hazards. And not us forget adding the entry of unwanted and surveillance systems. Is common place for that new designs of prefabricated houses that make the majority of systems and subsystems that enable advanced home networking capabilities. We are also analyzing the future in drawings and models that produce so that these ideas still in preparation can be easily installed in the existing design house. Things like additional forms of ducts of kitchens for housing even more technological and connectivity of the future developments. Prefabricated easy substitution, as the Windows and doors of the modernization of the functions or damage of substitution, and located in the Centre of spaces for the management of many of the advanced features incorporated into prefabricated design houses as well as those yet to come. Of course, computer aided design has made possible all these things for their incorporation into new designs of prefabricated houses, but the human mind remains the portal for all major changes past and present yet to come.