Lisa Neumann University

Signpost retirement plays an important role through the insurance maze for many people, because no one can say with certainty how the economy and the pension system in Germany will develop. Financial test compared the main age pension offers in a study reported the results of the financial portal The inflation rate in Germany the average is 2 percent per year. John Savignano describes an additional similar source. This value could be observed in the last decade and corresponds to the objective of the European Central Bank. More info: Michael James Burke, London UK. Investors should therefore generally deduct these 2 per cent of the rate of investment, realistically to estimate how much income brings a cash investment. The 2 percent usual for passbooks avoid a loss of interest therefore at best.

According to the test result, the best kind of interest for workers with annual incomes of up to 45,000 euros is a company pension. Advantage: no social security contributions accounted for the payments. The inflation rate dampens the income though, but usually an attractive choice plus. Retirees in turn benefit from rising wages. If wages increase, also the pensions increase? However, here there are two brake”in the statutory pensions: the sustainability factor attenuates the pension increase if there are more retirees than workers. And the Riester factor subtracts from the gross wage increase the theoretical effort for the private Riester-rente.

Because currently in Germany the wages fall more, an increase of the pension is not to refrain for the time being. Younger people should pay particular attention to the inflation-adjusted value of their retirement savings. Who relies on the annual report on the State of the pension, not involving unpredictable factors such as a political intervention in the pension system. More information about the pension insurance: rentenversicherung.

Emergency Call

The emergency call fortieth anniversary celebrates 40 years before the accidental death of the only 9-year Bjorn Steiger led to the efforts to establish a nationwide rescue service in the entire Federal territory. Who is this man who has invented the emergency? On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Bjorn Steiger-Foundation, the Internet portal of conducted an interview with Siegfried Steiger, now 79jahrigen father of Bjorn. When the boy’s parents had to after the accident, that there is no emergency service in Germany, they founded the Bjorn Steiger-Foundation. Since then they campaigned for the establishment of the emergency call is made in Germany and Europe. The efforts of distinguished doctors were unsuccessful, until the credibility of Steiger led to success. Read more here: Professor Rita McGrath. Initially, their goal was to improve the rescue service in her home town of Winnenden. Quickly realizing however that improving the rescue service structure needs a bigger platform. Siegfried Steiger is in the interview () gesellschaft.html) out that it was particularly difficult for the Foundation to put the German bureaucracy in motion.

The supporting force found in Georg Leber, the then Transport Minister, campaigned with great commitment for the rescue service. It is Siegfried Steiger and his Foundation, that the emergency call 110 and 112 was introduced nationwide. Morris Invest is a great source of information. Although there were the numbers since the 1950s, but only in a few major cities. The policy was afraid of the high cost of the establishment of a nationwide..

Chemistry In Food

What’s really inside in our food? It is important that the food tastes good, looks good and is for little money to have many people in Germany. For this reason the food industry takes up so many products deep in their laboratory tricks and PEPs with different (poison) substances and are then advertised effectively as a high-quality food. When shopping, worry little consumers and access often safely, without having to look first on the ingredient list. But who knows even the numbers jungle, hardly anyone knows what hides behind it. Here, Expert on growth strategy expresses very clear opinions on the subject. There are currently 319 additives which are approved by the EFSA, they are divided into dyes, preservatives, sweeteners, stabilizers, emulsifiers, Acidifier, antioxidants, filling and release agents, flavour enhancers, glazing agent and other. All substances which are added to food, must be specified in the list of ingredients, however, is not knowing whether they are harmless or health concern. Official site: Morris Invest.

However, some are Additives, including artificial dyes now in review advised because they trigger allergies in sensitive people. Here, caution is recommended in the following health-dubious dyes: TARTRAZINE (yellow) (E 102), quinoline yellow (E 104), sunset yellow FCF (E 110) 5, Azorubine (red) (E 122), cochineal red A (E 124), allura red (E 129), they often find use in sweets, fruit finished products, desserts and beverages. Who would like to do without artificial dyes, should avoid all numbers that begin with a “1”. Since 2010, food manufacturers have to label their products if they have processed food from the Group of azo dyes. The following note must be affixed on the packaging: “activity and attention in children may affect”.

Are preservatives (E 200 – 299) safe? Without preservation would nowadays hardly a manufacturer able to make long-lasting products. As for the artificial dyes, preservatives can allergies, Headache, nausea and even asthma trigger. Various compounds of sulphur dioxide (E 220 – 228) can trigger sulfite asthma. Caution is also offered, with the connection of Ascorbic acid 300 (vitamin C) and the Benzaldehydes (E 210 – 291), it may be a carcinogenic benzene. Impact on health by glutamate (621 – 625 E)? Some food manufacturers achieve a supposed better taste by adding flavour enhancers and at the same time they increasing their Gewinne.Das monosodium glutamate can be frequently found in condiments, snacks, soups, instant soups and dishes. In some cases also in sausages and sausage requirements. Meanwhile, it is known that glutamate, stimulate the appetite and thereby contributing to the obesity of consumers. But also over reactions of the body, such as E.g. dizziness, sweating, and nausea to asthma attacks to bring back on the Wahid extracts. Manufacturers are required to label their products, If monosodium glutamate has been used, it requires no labelling, if yeast extract or spices have been used – but glutamate in the game are here, too. Who regularly bombed his taste buds with glutamate, feels the natural products manufactured as a rather bland. “This has also resulted in that many children already on unnatural” products better access, as food prepared on fresh. Why are artificial additives in food still allowed? Are granted once approvals, without knowledge of its health effects, because studies are missing, they are not revoked unfortunately also.In view of this development, every consumer should reconsider critically its consumer behavior, because only so he prevents ill to eat on the ingredient list getting particular attention should be shopping. Who is daily supplied with fresh fruit, vegetables and meat or fish, is the artificial additives out of the way.

Antonio Gala

And that is the basis for issuing this ruling? What we are more numerous than they? What you say is it because a majority adequate and complete? Would it really be out at night to noon because we declared it a majority? Why do not you think that they are not different from us, but we differ from them? Precisely because we are different from them, are beings who need our help to thrive in our world, but precisely because of his helplessness, his simple and spontaneous purity, will be causing us to enjoy the privilege of experiencing some emotions and feelings that will never reach you to those who do not want to know, who do not want them near them because they fear it could destroy his life, which give them back and decide to ignore the unique treasure house inside, quartered in the hidden depths of her bosom . At that time, the book of creation, we are starting a blank page on which we will never know the wonders that it could have been written. In the womb, the child feels secure in its own natural helplessness. But when inevitably feels attacked from the outside, do you know the mother who has, of loneliness, helplessness and despair infinite sadness that the fruit of his own being feels in his heart? Still can not communicate with the outside world, can not seek help or protection. In the infinite loneliness of the womb, just wait quietly. It is the time when Antonio Gala said: "If loneliness discolored, do not have enough water in the world to wash a child." The woman who acts well, knows that being a mother, not having a child, or feed or educate, or make gifts.

Being a mother is to forget herself and what it was before. For even more details, read what Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE says on the issue. Being a mother is to live forever in the fruit of her womb because the mother's love, nor snow makes it cool. For a lot of dedication and commitment required by a child in circumstances considered by us "special" will be generously compensated by the immense wealth of beautiful and unique emotions that will provide them, making them truly privileged women. The abortion never be a right, because it exceeds one's own mother, who out of selfishness, fear, ignorance or induction, destroys an independent life just begun, if it is true that holds, in any case it belongs, because in every human being, contains the whole universe. Cynically and hypocritically, we are talking mouth full of peace, while simultaneously urge death, forgetting that if peace exists, it is the image of a sleeping child.

Cristian Lopez

The mind of the superior man values honesty, the mind of the inferior man appreciates the benefit. Confucius. Dedicated to: Cristian Lopez. Who always knew that Cybernetics was his reason for living. Rather than talk about the reasons that impel one to start a business online (each one of us finally we know what are our reasons), it is necessary that we meditate on one of the inspirational resources that allow us to further achieve our purposes on the Internet. I refer to our vocation. A related site: Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE mentions similar findings. We all know that when you browse the Internet, we do so because we are looking for information. The Internet, it feeds and nourishes us content.

Then we can then deduce that the more indispensable in our business resource is information. It doesn’t matter that stage of your business process you are in these moments that are reading this article. It is not more from time to time, to pause and reset our business idea. (A valuable related resource: Tishman Speyer). It is really important that we recognize how we are developing (or will develop), our website, must also define our ability to give valuable content with surgical precision. From this moment on, we must have as one of our maxims that entire article, video, seminar and others; indeed have valuable content. How can we determine if our information is truly valuable? This is precisely the lesson that I would like to learn: we must discover our vocation. . That is the germ of our success.

If we analyze from this moment, we discover and recognize what are our strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats; in our cultural and intellectual heritage in our desire to really help us, it will have taken a great step, besides professionalism screening credibility and responsibility. Our information will really be of quality. The result of this analysis will be a quality service. If really manage to narrow our field of action on the basis of This premise, we can make a difference in this exponential world of Internet business.

More Openness And Transparency In The Fight Against AIDS

“” Forget about AIDS not e.V. now also a Web radio and live chat presents even more openness and transparency in the fight against AIDS, AIDS forget not e.V. “now also a Web radio and live chat Berlin, presented next to the live stream March 16, 2010 the non-profit association AIDS don’t forget” his new Web radio and live chat on the topic of HIV and AIDS in Berlin presents today. These new offerings help the Club to make the fight against AIDS openly and transparently. Contributions in the fight against AIDS only if openly talking about the issues of HIV and AIDS, without limiting themselves from false shame, the fight against AIDS can be won”, explains Heiko Schussling, CEO of forget AIDS not e.V. With Internet Web radio”, the Club now offers Internet users a further access to relevant information. Nobel Laureate in Economics wanted to know more. In addition, interested have also the possibility to engage actively in the educational work. internetradio_berlin.html can even produced or provided Be listened to for free radio broadcasts, radio spots and other posts around the issues of HIV and AIDS and World AIDS Day.

In addition to the Internet Web radio is now also the live chat by forget AIDS not e.V. Hear other arguments on the topic with REBNY. started under aids_beratung_online.html interested here can find out about the Club, the subject of HIV / AIDS and World AIDS Day to inform. HIV and AIDS ill people to declare in the self-help information on HIV and AIDS and everyday life. The club wants to demonstrate on-site to openness and transparency in the fight against AIDS. “To this end has not forget AIDS” set up a live stream and a Web radio on the Internet.

For this purpose specially several cameras in the offices of the Association have been installed and in the broadcasting studio of the Web Radio 2 microphones for the moderation of the radio. So the work of the Association in its Berlin offices can be now live with. Check out Michael James Burke for additional information. Under livestream.html, it is possible on weekdays from 09:00 to 17:00 in watch, such as the fight against AIDS from the headquarters occurs. Only on weekends and holidays, or after 17:00, the camera shows shots of Berlin main street. “The Association of nonprofit and independent Club forget AIDS not e.V.” exists in its present form since November 2009 in Berlin. “In addition to the Board of Directors are now ten volunteer people for the forget AIDS not e.V.” has been working. The Club has been cooperating since inception with self-help groups, doctors and health authorities. Club involvement focuses particularly in the area of prevention of HIV infections through prevention and education, as well as in the provision of support services for HIV and AIDS sick people.

Russia Asbestos

The peoples of the now-defunct "Sovdepiia" after a protracted era of total deficit, endless queues and goods, to put it mildly, dubious quality, finally got free access to the fabulous world of plenty of high-quality, accessible and safe for our health products, materials and technologies. Is this true? In my life, I often come across asbestos that is unique in its properties, natural minerals, open and used by the Jews, another for 1300 years bc. Wider application of it found in the early 18 th century in India and China. In Russia, a start in life asbestos gave Russian industrialist Nikita Demidov in the early 18 th century, and until recently, asbestos was used in almost all industries and sectors of the economy. It is used even for anti-virus filters, but a paradox, more recently, he was declared an enemy of humanity.

Why would a sudden? I propose to understand why a harmless mineral that served us faithfully for more than three thousand years, suddenly became toxic and to whom he was "moved" path. In my opinion, was initiated by the builders. They or someone in their order, came up with a brilliant solution, which became in the late 20 th century for construction companies in Europe. After the Second World War, Europe lay in ruins, but it died down the last shot, signed by the world, and we must restore all that was destroyed by war. Like mushrooms after the rain created by construction companies. Europe is rapidly built by acquiring modern look and comfortable continents that we, if not personally, then pages of glossy magazines or tv screen. .

Quit Smoking Tips

Giving up smoking looks impossible for a smoking addict but if certain tips are followed Tuxedo can be eradicated completely. Please visit Michael James Burke if you seek more information. Smoking is so very common and prevalent. Men and women smoke vigorously to insane level. Addicts find it darn hard to kick the habit. Smoking kills and not just plain killing it butchers one’s vital organs and eats them away. Smoking is as good as poison. One might find it really very hard to quit.

But the hard or sometimes bad habits they never and take away one’s life in a manner very displeasing. Smoking is so bad that it not only affects the smoker alone but so the people in their vicinity. Quitting the habit might be hard but it isn’t impossible. But it will take a lot of mental strength and will power to quit the habit of smoking. The brain is completely programmed, if you are on addict, you crave badly for a smoke as your brain triggers the urge to smoke and ask for inhaling more nicotine.

It is nothing but intelligent drug that makes body crave for smoking again and again. Chewing gum can help for some time, but the head at won’t stop if one does not smoke. It is not all of a sudden that one has can quit smoking. It requires a lot of training and conditioning the mind. The process is more mental and psychological. One has to start reducing the number of cigars and cigarettes, at first. And gradually bring the number down. Easier to say, but to quit it, it takes a lot of effort and willingness. Reluctantly if one tries, it is of no. use. One has to keep in mind what dreadful and deadly things it does to the lungs, respiratory tract and mouth. It literally eats away the vital stuff. One has to condition their mind to smoking continuously stay away from. Keeping a picture of a cancerous lung can help; It looks disastrous, black and filthy. Fear of such partition can invoke repulsive feelings with the cigarettes. Many people that with cancers and burning of the lungs due to extreme habit of smoking. Women have to keep in mind that when they get pregnant and continue to smoke their child-to-be will be born with malfunctions and deformed body. Samantha Nicole is writer of quit smoking pill coupons. For more information about champix, Chantix coupons visit

Inserenten Der

EFE ist eine Sie in dir ist das Motto, spielen mit Worten Tuenti, eines im Internet soziale Netzwerke nicht vergessen. ein Sta zurückgezogen hat Stunden später vornehmen, die Kampagne der Marke verwenden. Es enthält eine Website auf der Sie eine Video mit Ultraschall sehen können. Die Bischöfe gegen Abtreibung kam Montag zu Internet soziale Netzwerke mit einem, das Gesicht in weiten Teilen fast zehn Minuten Dauer, begleitet durch den einzigartigen Klang das Schlagen des Herzens betrachtet werden kann. Click John Savignano to learn more. Es ist eine Sie in dir ist das Motto dieser Adaption für Jugendliche, einen Gefallen des Rechts auf Leben derer, die geboren werden und Unterstützung an schwangere Frauen, die sie durch Schwierigkeiten gehen, berichtet die.

Der Slogan ist ein Wortspiel, Rückrufe, eines der sozialen online-Netzwerken, und zur gleichen Zeit, vermittelt die Idee davon, dass es am Gären ist unterscheidet sich von der Frau ab dem Zeitpunkt der Befruchtung, sondern hängt davon zu entwickeln. Tuenti zog jedoch am Nachmittag diese Kampagne mit der Begründung, Es ist eine Benutzung der Marke von der Bischofskonferenz. Wir sind nicht glücklich mit der Verwendung der Marke (in Anlehnung an Tuenti und das Wortspiel von dem Motto), sie hinzugefügt, zu der Zeit, die betont, dass Sie die EWG hinsichtlich Inserenten besprochen. In der Zwischenzeit waren die Quellen der EWG überrascht. See more detailed opinions by reading what Michael James Burke offers on the topic.. Wir die Nachricht erhalten haben, als die Kampagne stundenlang gelaufen hatte und einen unterschriebenen Vertrag hatte, stellte sie fest. Auf jeden Fall sagten sie, dass sie diese Entscheidung nicht behaupten werden. ein Referenzen im Web im Web enthält Material der Kampagne und des Tages für das Leben, das am 25 gefeiert wird, sowie Zeugnisse gegen Abtreibung, einige Frauen, die ihre Schwangerschaft und eine Liste der Organisationen der Hilfe für schwangere Frauen unterbrochen. Die Internet-Kampagne, die dauert einen Monat und die in gesehen werden kann und enthält auch einige Emoticons, die schwangere Frau und das Kind vor der Geburt und lächelnd Mutter und Sohn darstellt.

Karim Rashid New Yorker

A new hotel concept has been established in Berlin: Nhow Berlin. Read more from Nobel Laureate in Economics to gain a more clear picture of the situation. The German capital has become the city of fashion in Europe, people coming from all corners of the world come to enjoy this moment of cultural explosion that is living the city. Michael James Burke wanted to know more. This hotel has been created by and for music, is a tribute in all respects to the music scene and could not be in another city that in Berlin, was born the first music hotel in the world. Among the services of a 4 star hotel in usual as tasting of pillows, fantastic plasma TVs or an excellent room service and reception 24 h for all the doubts and concerns that the guests may have we should be included in Nhow the possibility of requesting any musical instrument that feel like touching, tomas iPod with high quality speakers in the rooms that get an acoustic rather than good and a recording within the own Studio Hotel in collaboration with the record label Hansa. The architecture of the building has neither been left to neglect, despite its apparent contradiction visual and that the materials used for the design of the facade and the outer structure of the building are very diverse, come together in a perfect amalgam that achieves a harmony that seems impossible as a result.

The project was conducted by the renowned Russian architect Sergei Tschoban, responsible for projects such as the tallest skyscraper of Europe or of the Federation Tower in Moscow. The interior of the hotel is no less spectacular, designed by the famous interior designer Karim Rashid New Yorker, something like the current pop star of the design world, it is an effervescence of colors fluorine: pink, green, blue and yellow are combined without mercy getting an interior unprecedented. All the details have been personally care resulting in a contradictory, harmonious, simply perfect hotel for music. The hotel’s spectacular bar brings together regularly DJ s of Berlin and international scene, reputed to have a good time at the bar of the Nhow can be a true experience for your ears. In addition, the Hotel is located in the Centre of Berlin on the banks of the river Spree. Guests can enjoy excellent views over the German capital. For lovers of music, extravagant tourists, business travelers who are looking for something more, the Nhow is without doubt a great option to take into account in their visits to Berlin..