Capital City

Real estate in Caracas Caracas is the Capital City of Venezuela, one of main the cities as far as economic and the social thing, has the greatest population of the country, according to the national institute of statistics, for the 2008 it counted with more than 4.900.000 inhabitants and therefore a city with an enormous potential in its real estate growth in Venezuela. The city is characterized for being the most organized and modern of the country, counts on all the services public and an excellent organization as far as road and transport, basic services how potable water and electricity take control present of an excellent quality which causes that the prices of the houses in Caracas are attractive and with good margins of gains for the investors. The city has much diversity in its economy, the public institutions make life in the city, besides counting on an excellent industrial and commercial infrastructure. The productivity of Caracas causes that a high level of desirability is materialized to live in its urban zones.

Javier Meja

Finally, it is important to consider that the level of requirement of autonomic languages in the supply of use has grown in this last year, happening from 11.7% to present 13.34%. The regions that evaluate plus the knowledge of the languages Co-officials are Catalonia, Country Vasco and the Balearics, with a 34.79%, 16.76% and 10.05% respectively. In the case of Galicia, the valuation of its language in the use is of 7.31%, whereas in Valencia the autonomic language is required in a 7.02% of the supplies. The importance of multilingualism for the political, academic and enterprise development, to debate The past 15 of June took place in Barcelona a seminary on the agreement of collaboration with the Catalan Autonomous Government in the matter of education, organized by EF Education First, world-wide organization of international education. The event reunited to experts of the autonomic government, the enterprise sector and the academic sector in order to share experiences and to debate on the importance of the plurilingismo in the globalised world. One of the main conclusions of the seminary are that Catalonia is advancing, little by little, towards the promotion of the learning of foreign languages with the final mission to obtain a multilingual and multicultural Catalonia. In this line, of Departament d Educaci showed that one of its priorities is that the new generations can compete at global level with young people of countries so markedly multilingual as Holland and Belgium.

Another one of the aspects that stood out during the seminary is the importance of the languages for the economic growth. According to Josep Maria Cervera, Director of the area of Enterprise Internationalization of Cambra de Comer, Industry i Navegaci of Barcelona, the knowledge of cultures and foreign languages is absolutely indispensable for the modern industralists. In fact, Cambra de Comer considers that if the companies dominated the foreign languages and took the opportunities the labor markets, would take place a potential increase of the GIP of Catalonia of a 12%. During the encounter also they were different carried out actions in collaboration with diverse institutions, like the Experimental Plan of Foreign Languages, whose objective is to introduce and to reinforce the one education third, and in some cases fourth language; or the Program of Permanent Learning that, among others initiatives, promotes international mobility with scholarships. Compiled By. Javier Meja T.

Guadalajara Insurance

To buy a new house is the most important investment in the life of any person. It does not have because to be difficult to protect of this investment. To secure an insurance for its house is an intelligent decision, an advisable form that helps to take care of the place that gives to refuge and mental peace him. You know that it is a house insurance? An insurance for your home offers an economic security to you in case to suffer damages as it can be: Damages collaterals of problems of the mains, problems of plomeara, repairs of another type, accidents in the house, damages by adverse climate, vandalism, etc. Additionally the house insurance also protects to you against injuries to third parties, or for the inhabitants of the home like temporary visitors, as well as: to loosen things of high parts of the house that can fall on third parties, floods, etc you accustom includes service of emergency repair.

The Safe concept of house perhaps in if it does not describe completely what is in fact. In if, an insurance is a set of several insurances, thus to him usually names an insurance multirisk. This way the insurances for the house include a set of policies against fire, theft, meteorological damages to third parties, phenomena among others. Within which there is diverse levels of protection that can assure in different level which contain the house and the same structure. If at some time the bank got to require a hypothecating loan sometimes it will ask that its house is assured. The banks demand an insurance to count on the due financial protection of the house in case it suffered some accident. The cost of an insurance for different home sera in each case but the main factors that affect the price is typically the value of the building, the considered value of the goods contained in the home and if contract a policy of damages by civil responsibility. The document that describes the policy is very concrete in which the insurer paid and what it did not pay in each one of the possible wrecks thus often is very long. In our page of Internet you will be able to discover the 5 better recommendations about how Buying House. They change you will be able to for sale consult the best Houses in Guadalajara.

The Equipment Of ABIBOO Architecture Redefines Its Architectonic Vision

From a global and multidisciplinary perspective, ABIBOO Architecture is focused in the search of the excellence of the international projects that it develops ABIBOO Architecture is an international study of Architecture and Design with you soothe in Madrid, New York and India, whose philosophy promotes the innovation and sophistication. Their designs emphasize by their search of the excellence and exclusive feature, giving answer to the complex needs of the society of the 21st century. The vision of ABIBOO Architecture is to improve the life of the people and to inspire to the new generations to realise its dreams through the creation of architectonic spaces that represent the complexity of the contemporary society, thanks to the innovation, the excellence and the dedication of a multidisciplinary and international equipment formed by creative, enthusiastic, dynamic, proactive and visionary people.

This vision is the result of years of professional experience and investigation to discipline of the equipment of ABIBOO Architecture. Being this, in definitive, a way different and singular to show a philosophy of contemporary life applied to the architecture. ABIBOO Architecture is formed by a human capital with more than 15 years of experience in innovation and architectonic and sociological investigation that it accumulates more than 3 constructed million of m2 in projects throughout the planet, handling estimated superiors to the 6,000 million dollars. The equipment of ABIBOO Architecture composes associated people in charge of projects, managers and/or in architecture studies, such as SOM, Toyo Ito, Richard Rogers, Herzog & of Meuron, Abalos & Blacksmiths or Baeza Field Architects, among others international companies of recognized prestige. ABIBOO Architecture bets by an architecture able to offer answers to the challenges of the world contemporary and globalised in which we lived, as well as to contribute to new models of added value, and manifolds ways to innovate in any cultural context in which it works. ABIBOO Architecture considers like objective to redefine the architecture by means of innovation and the exclusive feature in served, assuring a rigorous quality control and a customized dedication to the clients, by means of a total implication and a high interest shared by the art and sophistication, as well as by the protection of the environment, the new constructive techniques and the technological innovation.

India Habitat Centers

Gathering to together on January 12-13 some of the greatest architecture and engineering yams present in India like HOK, AECOM, SOM, ABIBOO Architecture or L& T among others. ACRECONF, international conference organized by Delhi Chapter of ISHRAE in association with ASHRAE India Chapter, will sees held on January 12-13 2012. The venue of this event will sees the emblematic India Habitat Centers in New Delhi, India. This coming to year the subject of the conference returns to the origins of to univer itself, reviving the Mother Nature through the continuous improvement of design in all types of buildings. This lecture series started in 2001. The first edition counted already with 200 delegations and 25 technical presentations to over the two day event. The evolution of ACRECONF you have been exponential, getting on the 2010 edition, to total of 1.900 technical papers and 98 delegations of the highest quality worldwide. For the upcoming event to sees held in mid-January of 2012, international architect Alfredo Munoz, president of ABIBOO Architecture, you have been invited ace to lecturer, sharing papers with to other international firms that plows designing the global contemporary architectural space, like Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM), HOK or ACOM among others.

During the past 15 years, Alfredo Munoz worked for international architectural several firms of reputes in Europe, Middle East, the USA and Asia, occupying senior management and design positions of high responsibility. These experiences LED Alfredo international Munoz to finally establish the firm ABIBOO Architecture ( with headquarters in Spain, the USA and India and plows currently developing projects in Spain, Norway, Sweden, Peru, the USA, Taiwan, Vietnam and India. On this occasion, Alfredo Munoz, ace guest to speaker, will address the Taiwan Tower designed by ABIBOO team, along with OODA-OOIIO ace an example of new creative processes. This presentation is part of the exclusively section of Tall Buildings (Session D) to sees held the first day of lectures, January 12. The ABIBOO Architecture team was inspired in structures, shapes, materials, and spirit, with the intention of creating to pioneer and innovative design concept for the construction of the Tower of Taiwan.


Easter is for the Spaniards a time of spiritual withdrawal and in which many we do peregrinations remembering the Christ passion we cross the painful stations according to the day that lived Christ during the Week, or the day of Branches or the painful route or simply visiting diverse churches. During the peregrination your skin and hair will be exhibited to the sun and the wind which can cause that they dehydrate and you requemes, for protegerte you can use the properties of the oil of argn, this oil not only humecta the weaves but it has the property to regenerate them. If you undergo of parched skin the properties of the oil of argn would help you to humectar and to recover the balance of your skin, apart from which when regenerating weaves avoided that the skin is deteriorated so quickly falling the aging, and although it does not stop the oil of argn is until now nearest than it is had to the source of youth. The same happens with your hair, the properties of the oil of argn would avoid that they are dried out and helped to have a silkier hair, smooth, shining and manageable, all this is possible applying to a small amount of oil of argn after the bath or one more a more generous amount once per week and to let it rest 30 minutes before washing the hair. If after the peregrination you feel that requemaste applies to a little oil of argn in the skin and sides to you that you healed much more quickly that if you were applied any other balsam or if you let your skin heal single, your hair that parched also because of the sun remained healthful and humectado in very just a short time. And you say what me after a long day of peregrination, your feet will be adoloridos like your legs, also enter game the properties of the inflammatory oil of argn here which are analgesic and DES, after a day of peregrination, it dates a relajante hot bath and masajea your feet and legs with oil of argn, sides as the pain falls and if your legs are also swollen the oil of argn helped to diminish the inflammation. Many properties in product, beauty and health definitively are not only fought with the espiritualidad, because your body is a temple that you must maintain healthful, so it begins to take care of it from now on and you will not have preocuparte to repair the damages in the future, has always been better to come up than to repair and your body thinks the same. So preprate to take advantage of all the properties the oil of argn and lives this Easter without preocuparte by the care on your hair and your skin, the oil of would take care of argn it by you, you live the passion on Christ and renew your faith at this time so loaded of meaning for the believers.

Property Sales

According to data divulged for the Secovi (Union of the Habitation) of So Paulo, the same period of the last year had the result affected for world-wide the economic crisis. The average apartments, of two dormitories, had had the biggest representation in the sales, of 35,3%. Already of three dormitories they had had 35.1% of the sales. More than the half of the sales was registered in the capital (50.6%). Part of the reason of the increase of the sales if must to the biggest access of the population to the habitacional credit. Companies as the Tecnisa offer apartment in So Paulo with prices, terms of payment and quality of high standard. She is possible to search the quarter that if wants and to monitor the workmanship of the property or already to buy it soon. The number of 17.005 property vendidos in the So Paulo capital shows to the evolution of the market and the opening of possibilities of purchase of new property and agreement with the purchasing power of each interested party.

Sea Windows

Do not think that the bottom is bare, one only white sand. No, they grow trees and flowers unseen with flexible stems and leaves, that they were moving as if alive, at the slightest movement of water. A fish scurry among the branches, large and small, just like a bird in the air above us. In the deepest place there is a palace of king of the sea – its walls made of coral, tall arched windows of the purest amber, and the roof completely shell, they then open and close, depending on, the tide or ebb, and it is very beautiful, because each are shining gems, and any would be a great ornament in the crown of the queen herself. King of the sea long ago became a widower, and he ran the economy his old mother, clever woman, but hurts so very proud of his blue blood: the tail she wore twelve oysters, while the other grandees were supposed to only six.

Otherwise, it is laudable, especially because doted on his little granddaughter – princesses. There were six, all very pretty, but all the sweeter was the youngest, with the skin clean and soft as rose petal, with blue eyes and deep as the sea. Only she, for that matter, and the rest, the legs do not was, instead of them had a tail like a fish. All day long played a princess in a palace in spacious houses, where the walls have grown fresh flowers. Revealed large amber windows, and inside the fish swim in, just like we swallows fly into the house, when windows are open, only the fish swam straight for the little princesses, were taken from their hands and allow themselves to eat bleach.

Zhnocha Reading Room

'Zhnochy circle' in Ternopol, 1901 p. 'Zhnocha Reading Room' in Dolin 'Circle ukranskih dvchat y Lvov, 1903 p. zhnoch tovaristva in Berezhany i Rogatin, 1909 p. in Lvov 'Zhnocha mass'. Sered Gromadska-dobrochinnih organzatsy active bulls' Tovaristvo Ruska zahoronka ',' Tovaristvo opki over his household that robtnitsyami ',' Tovaristvo vakatsynih donkey ',' Tovaristvo opki over dtmi that moloddyu '.

Zagalnoderzhavny character Gromadska MAV-ruh dobrochinny prostituts contradiction. Thus, in napriklad Lvov dyala Ruska flya zagalnoavstryskogo 'Tovaristva St. Rafala '. Dovol actively yshla rozbudova zhnochih organzatsy relgyno-dobrochinnogo spryamuvannya 'Marnske tovaristvo Pan' (Lviv, 1904), 'Mironosits' (Chernvts, 1904) Tovaristvo Orthodox Rusinok (Chernvts, 1908) 3. Odnochasno z stvorennyam i klksnim zrostannyam zhnochih organzatsy on zahdnoukranskih lands yshlo vsezrostayuche zaluchennya zhnok to dyalnost rznomantnih Gromadska organzatsy, napriklad, to robots in 'Prosvt' pedagogchnomu tovaristv 'Rusky besd' kooperativ 'People torgvlya' she n.

Dyalnst zhnok in Tsikh tovaristvah, yak usually not directly bula pov'yazana z spetsifchno femnstichnimi zavdannyami, ale ob'ktivno spriyala new psihologchnomu spriynyattyu zhnki in susplstv. Dyalnst zhnochih organzatsy perodu persho svtovo vyni bula tsno pov'yazana s current natsonalno-susplnimi require. Y vonn Rocky zhnotstvo took an active part in that dobrochinny santarny robot. In that Kiv nshih mstsyah Ukrainian zhnki pratsyuvali in 'Tovaristv Relief bzhentsyam' dopomagayuchi vtkacham, zakladnikam that polonenim. Kivsky Ukrayinsky Club for Spital peretvoreny LUVs in yakomu pratsyuvali Ukrainian zhnki, veduchi odnochasno natsonalno-vihovnu robot sered wounds. So very active in haritativny dyalnost pratsyuvalo zhnotstvo Zahdno Ukraine. Y Vdn Ukrainian zhnki zasnuvali Komtet Relief wounds soldier, scho opkuvavsya ukranskimi warriors on vdenskim lkarnyam. Young zhnotstvo contained up to a warehouse vyskovih chastin.


1. Windows almost do not miss the cold in the room. In practice, any window produces more heat from your room to the street than any wall. That is, in terms of heat required to construct an apartment with no windows. Want to live in such a interesting house? Windows and doors are not looking for anything give the most heat loss in an ordinary home.

No in all respects, the warm ups. Unfortunately? However, normal present-day window is approximately twice as effectively save heat in your home than the old wood. The only weak link in the modern metal-glass window is, by virtue of higher thermal conductivity compared with plastic. Heat exchange process is beyond stopped, but allowed to slow down by using energy-saving glass, plastic sheeting, triple-pane windows. 2.

Window, without exception, all jammed street noise. Gum street under the window, hitting a , the noise though strongly attenuated plastic windows with normal glazing, but will still be heard, by the secondary vibration plastic and glass. Personally, if no digits, the noise does not disappear, but it decreases very significantly by compensating for fluctuations with rubber gaskets. Moreover stands to break a window to a larger number of small parts, since large glass more susceptible to resonance. Moreover, one must remember that as soon as you open the window – all the insulation away. Once you have seriously decided to fight the noise, you need to take care of the air conditioner. 3. Inside the glass – vacuum.