White House Recognizes

/ VIDEO: ATLAS Obama points out that Democrats and Republicans must work closely to develop a long-term plan that will restore the fiscal health of the country. S & P agency downgrades EE UU debt rating for the first time. China harshly criticize EE UU after the reduction in its debt rating and calls for guarantees. The White House has acknowledged Saturday that the debate on the increase in the debt limit, too long and too hostile, has proved to be one of the main factors that the agency Standard & Poor s decided to downgrade the sovereign debt of United States calificion, for the first time in its history. In an appearance before the media, the spokesman for the White House, Jay Carney, advocated increasing efforts to clarify the will, capacity and commitments to work in combating the most significant economic and fiscal challenges. In the first statement of the White House after be known the degradation of the rating, Carney insisted that the important now is that elected leaders unite to strengthen the economy and fiscal balance.

Promote the creation of employment the President of United States, Barack Obama, urged Congress Saturday to approve a series of measures considered to help boost economic growth and employment, in what will be a factor key to his re-election in 2012. During his usual radio speech and the Internet on Saturday, Obama said that, following the agreement approved this week to reduce the deficit and raise the ceiling of the debt, the priority now is focusing efforts on the growth of the economy and create jobs more quickly. Our work now has to be to do everything possible to help people find work, create the conditions for businesses to hire and revenue (of citizens) to return to climbing, summed up the President. Obama reiterated its request that, upon the resumption of the legislative sessions in September, Congress approve measures such as the extension of tax cuts for working families and the middle class, and the simplification of bureaucratic procedures to encourage the creation of jobs in the private sector.


The best training is required as indispensable premise for success in the franchise. A qualification which undoubtedly provides the Master of mundoFranquiciaconsulting, the renowned Spanish consultant (http.//www.mundofranquicia.es) and that already celebrates its third edition. This Master is the most valid option for those who want to pursue or develop weight functions in a franchise, – as emphasized Socio Director General, its Director, and Mariano Alonso, the knowledge of teachers that shapes it and previous editions are the guarantee for it. With the students discover the keys to optimize the management of franchise chains and learn to apply the most appropriate for this type of business structures, operational adds. So things who have thought about getting into that formula or want to know identify the main characteristics and the dynamics of this system of business association, should not miss the opportunity to do so. The Master contributes to the evolution and improvement of the system of franchise in our country. Also has a program of practices guaranteed through an agreement with various high level companies, whose key objective is to ensure that, from the beginning, students approximate to the business reality and can go contrasting their learning with the real demand of companies, adds the director of the Master.

Finally point out that the Master of mundoFranquicia consulting has a job to facilitate the integration of students into the labour market and enhance their professional career: we have established collaboration agreements with a large number of companies from different sectors and also the Department offers guidance and advice customized to each student in human resources consultinglabour market, development of curriculum vitae, interviews of job, etc., says Alonso. So is the Master of mundoFranquicia consulting: date: November, 2010 to July 2011 teaching period: 8 months structure: 150 hours and 30 hours tutoring: Friday from 16: 00 to 22: 00 lectures from 16.00 h. to 17.00 h. Classes from 17.00 h to 22.00 h tutorials: Friday celebracion:sede central demundoFranquicia place consulting (Jose Echegaray, 8. Alvia III building. Las Rozas Business Park. 28230 Las Rozas.

Madrid) for further information or interviews management: Nuria Coronado Sopenasalvia Comunicaciondirectora of___Avda.


Therefore authority and power are essential elements of all society; without them the social order would not last, of the opposite sociedadese would destroy in anarchy of the disobedience. The man was born to live in society, therefore, not being able to live in the isolation nor if to provide what he is necessary and useful to the life, nor to acquire the perfection of the spirit and the heart. He made it to the Step to join itself to its fellow creatures, in a civil, only society domestic how much in such a way capable to supply what she is necessary to the perfection of the existence. The social order, then, helps the man to be more man. It places it in contact with the others reflecting its reality human being: to be social. In this lesson it had the presentation of Bruno Laselva in which &#039 approached the subject; ' The paper of the Estado' ' had as heading: ' ' THE FUNCTIONS OF THE STATE IN THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE SOCIAL DOCTRINE OF THE IGREJA' ' – (09/11/2009) the notion of ' ' Estado' ' she is old and it precedes to Christian thought. The concept of State is not a valid general concept for all the times, but it is a historical concept, concrete, that appears when the idea and the practical one of the sovereignty are born, what it only occurred in century XVII: the official date where the world occidental person if presents organized in States is of 1648, year where the peace of Westflia was signed. The expositor said that two questions if reveal: the problem of the originary formation of the States (of human groupings not yet integrated in any State); the problem of the derived formation (the formation of new States from other preexisting ones). This everything was despertando conscience for search of unit (between States), that after all it would be materialize in the treat ones to peace of Westflia, that had had the character of documentation of the existence of a new type of State, with the basic characteristic of territorial unit endowed with a sovereign power: it was already the Modern State.


The initial intention age to exempt Albertina of those terrible moments, therefore immediately had bought a cheese bread to saciar the hunger of it. It intended to give a temporary shelter for until she found somebody made use to adopt it definitively. More the days had been if passing and that feeling of mercy it was if transformed for passion and of passion it transformed if into love. Soon in the first days, to only think that some of the candidates could lead Albertina she stops far from it, it until cried. There the namorada one of the protector of Albertina entered in scene that also was gotten passionate for it and now was the two to cry to only think about the hour of the possible one> separation. It does not need to say more nothing and Albertina finished definitively adopted for the couple of boyfriends and today harvest of coconuts of all the stewardships that who only loves dismissal to the loved person. Reason is not known the affectionate name of Albertina and Nina and Does not clink, as correct it would be, but in certain case of love things are one how much in such a way inexplicable. thus Nina or Albertina, as they want, if became a perpetual love and became if sister of creation of the Lana. This is one history cachorrinha that it left the gutter for the rank of one of the two princesses of a couple that adores dogs.

Electrical Consumption

These are several of the advice who you can use to save until in a 20% in the consumption of his home. The electricity is one of the most important factors in our daily life, with which we could not live at the present time. For that reason its consumption with moderation is important as much in the ecological scope as in the economic saving. This economic saving taking still more force at the moments of world-wide crisis in which we were. For that reason it is important to take care of details that can make us save until a 20% in our invoice of light.

For it first that there is to know clearly it is the objective that is persecuted. In this case it is the saving of electrical energy. This objective begins since we acquired an electric appliance. It is important to compare what is the electric home appliance that can more interest to us having in account the consumption that it generates. This consumption appears in the manual of the own apparatus, that usually comes measured in Watts or kilowatts, so that whichever major is this greater amount will be the consumption. Another aspect to have in whatever is the operation that has the oldest apparatuses. These lose efficiency and therefore they consume more along than they are used.

It is for that reason that is important to have a control exceeds they and to know if to some consumption as much electricity that is not profitable its use. One of the apparatuses that can produce majors losses is the refrigerator or freezer. It is important to make sure his good operation. It is recommended that a minimum space of 15 cm with respect to the back wall is left. Also he is basic to make sure that well the door closes to avoid that the cold escapes and to do so the refrigerator works of less intense way. On the other hand he is not advisable that is accumulated much ice in the walls of the freezer. You can defrost it every three months. Other apparatuses, as they can be televisions, equipment of music, videoconsolas, etc. continue consuming energy even though they go out. One is the Stand-by system, and it is possible to be appreciated when extinguishing these apparatuses it is a small own red light or green of each equipment. If this apparatus is not going to be used during a long time he is recommendable to unplug it of the electrical current. All these advice must complement themselves with the appropriate use of the illumination in our houses, since it is greater electrical consumption than he takes place in our homes. For that reason it is important to follow the following advice: 1. To take advantage of to the maximum and as far as possible the light the sun. 2. To extinguish the lights of the cockpits in which there is nobody. 3. To use lights of low consumption that can consume less up to 5 times than the common ones. Finally, it is important to also control the conditioned air equipment. These generate great consumptions of electricity. For that reason it is important to maintain them in good state, cleaning them, replacing the filters with regularity and using them only when it is necessary.

Sustainable Housing

Sustainable housing is a new proposal to build houses and various buildings, which mainly seeks to better use of natural resources, namely respect as far as possible the environment and the same way as is realized certain benefits for the building from the very nature, such as saving heating when the winter and air conditioning brother summer arrives, thanks to the conditions provided by the environment around the building, in other words can be said that eco-sustainable housing construction or bio-construction, thanks to the implementation of some technological advances in the architecture, resulting in the most of the environment. The implementation of sustainable housing, has been implemented more in the buildings for public use, with the lay-out of a construction which seek to maximize the natural components of there as of sustainable, since through certain conditions in such housing can save energy by allowing more light and generate a certain weather conditions indoors. The achievement of sustainable housing is largely due to environmental concerns, which found support in a variety of useful technological advances in architecture, leading to what is called the bio-climatic, with the bio-construction. So to achieve the establishment of sustainable housing, it is essential the previous study of soils and their characteristics, also the weather. Check out Anne Chadwick for additional information. With previous studies that are performed for the construction of sustainable housing, primarily seeks to make the same environment generate better conditions in sustainable housing, so the arrival of certain climatic seasons, the atmosphere inside the homes respond to this, so will not be as necessary to implement devices such as fans or air conditioners that perform a high consumption energy is added to this sustainable housing that also allow reuse of a resource as important as water, provide better lighting conditions in the implementation of certain instruments that help to channel and to reduce pollution emissions . As added to the significant benefits that mean sustainable housing for people and their homes, the green architecture and sensitive to the environment that is present in sustainable housing, manages to avoid strong shocks in nature, to find better environmental conditions from the same planning and construction, besides its main achievement is aimed at energy savings through reduced energy consumption. One of the important elements in sustainable housing is the presence of walls that collect energy from the source of the sun also heat panels to keep hot water and photovoltaic cells. Other technological features that help shape housing sustainable systems are passive solar energy collection and vents them from providing comfort..

Buying Real Estate

Safety rules for buying property when purchasing an apartment, house or land more vulnerable party is always a buyer. Not yet become the owner of the desired property, he pays the seller deposit and, as a rule, the entire amount of money. In this case the seller, having received money from the buyer, to an entry in the Unified State Register (Unified State Register of Rights), there is still the property owner. So, before you put your signature of the contract and give the money, you need to personally ensure that your property will not "cat in the bag." Buying a particular property is not always possible to contact directly with the owner of this object. In Basically, most transactions pass through their representatives, usually real estate agents who can keep silent about any circumstances, do not notice them, or simply do not know the "history" of the sold object. That, in turn, may cause the buyer to considerable material losses. Plot on the need to pay attention to acquiring the land.

Regardless of the purpose of land (garden, IZHD, LPH, etc.) to commit transaction is necessary to collect the documents specified in the law. This certificate of ownership or contract of indefinite lifetime use (with right of survivorship) and the like, the documents on which the granted land plot cadastral cadastral extract or passport. If the plot was formed not so long ago – land management file, a decision on the provision of land or an extract from The household book. Buyer to should first figure out how to put land on the cadastral registration: declaratively or geodesic. If a cadastral registration of land placed declaratively, in the future this may lead to violate the rights of land users. Often there are legal disputes when the owners of adjacent plots of registered declaratively, without permission to increase its own plot at the expense of neighboring.

Home Towers

Still, the Social Assistant is capable to promote the aged, the similar one auto-valuation of of that it if feels enclosed in the Society. It is necessary to transform the reality of aged so that in a next future they can live with dignity, eradicating all and the any form of isolation and social exclusion. METHODOLOGY In visit to the home Towers of Melo, where I could interview the social assistant head of the sector of Social Service to the aged one institutionalized, the Dra. Maria Julia de Barros, author of the book LEARNING TO AGE, and the trainee of social service Mirian Gondim, of which I had access to handbooks and descriptions of the interns, where sigilosamente I could read some cases of familiar violence, generating the coming of the aged a institution, many times intervened by the Public prosecution service. The order of the institution, I did not publish in the work no data referring to the subject, preserving the privacy of the interns, and I did not cite the violncias, in the visits that I had to the home preventing the painful souvenirs of its past. For the accomplishment of this work, I got dedicated aid in specialized sites and books the violence suffered in the third age, beyond periodic visits to the asylum Home Towers of Melo.

Furnishing Space

You have twin children who have begun the stage of the adolescence. If he is thus it is very probable and logical that the same have solicitd to him to make a radical change to their room. No longer they want to follow in that space where an infantile air is breathed and where still identical decorative details for both are seen. They have grown and they need a change where each of them has an individual space. How to begin? Olvdese to think about an identical space for both.

Now that their children grew and although they continue seeming equal, its personality leaves manifesto and is evident that they have different preferences and they want that they are respected. In order to begin it raises to them to make the following changes: Colocar modern curtains and to make of the room a luminous space: their children need to rest and to relax comfortably but also they need to study in the same way. Hacer a radical change of color using present tones: thus the dormitory will shine modern and be totally different from the infantile dormitory that they shared during years. Seleccionar beds that besides shining well, save space: many alternatives exist: bunks, beds nests, beds tracks. With them the binoculars will have more free space to circulate around the room. Incorporar several furniture to store properties: this will serve to maintain the order, something that as much hill when of adolescents. Incorporar technology: what so a TV shapes or a DVD? A computer would be very necessary for the study and an equipment of audio certainly will enchant to them.

Furniture Factory

It is still excellent the election of the colors that will be used since these will have to incorporate in the tapestry. If you directly buy the furniture in a furniture factory, she will be to him easier since there she will be able to choose the colors and printings that please to him more. The election of warm colors will give to its terrace a very cosy touch him but it sintase frees to choose the one that goes better with its style since it will spend many moments there of relax, far from the television and telephone. The decorative details can manage to give to the terrace a very personal touch and by far style. For example, the space where it will place the plants can have false plants of type mural made in metal.

What have of special? Since they are done of metal, they reflect the foliage that is the other side. The positioning of a hanging candelabrum is very opportune more and when it is used in the nights of summer accompanied by a refreshing drink. In the walls of the terrace bottles of crystal and several colors can be placed. Inside of the same candles can be put that will give a magical touch him to their terrace by the nights. It considers that at the most light is the furniture that it buys will be able to move, them with greater facility if it needs to do it. And with respect to the flowers and plants, it places if them in different levels, it will obtain a more modern aspect in his terrace.

Nonsubject in applying any other decorative idea that it is happened to him since one is to mount a personal good space with the aim of enjoying it completely. It dreams about his ideal terrace and hgala reality. The company Muebles Asdara is distributing manufacturer and of furniture and has an ample youthful variety of moble. In his Web it can find many designs made in his makes mobles Barcelona.