Zhnocha Reading Room

'Zhnochy circle' in Ternopol, 1901 p. 'Zhnocha Reading Room' in Dolin 'Circle ukranskih dvchat y Lvov, 1903 p. zhnoch tovaristva in Berezhany i Rogatin, 1909 p. in Lvov 'Zhnocha mass'. Sered Gromadska-dobrochinnih organzatsy active bulls' Tovaristvo Ruska zahoronka ',' Tovaristvo opki over his household that robtnitsyami ',' Tovaristvo vakatsynih donkey ',' Tovaristvo opki over dtmi that moloddyu '.

Zagalnoderzhavny character Gromadska MAV-ruh dobrochinny prostituts contradiction. Thus, in napriklad Lvov dyala Ruska flya zagalnoavstryskogo 'Tovaristva St. Rafala '. Dovol actively yshla rozbudova zhnochih organzatsy relgyno-dobrochinnogo spryamuvannya 'Marnske tovaristvo Pan' (Lviv, 1904), 'Mironosits' (Chernvts, 1904) Tovaristvo Orthodox Rusinok (Chernvts, 1908) 3. Odnochasno z stvorennyam i klksnim zrostannyam zhnochih organzatsy on zahdnoukranskih lands yshlo vsezrostayuche zaluchennya zhnok to dyalnost rznomantnih Gromadska organzatsy, napriklad, to robots in 'Prosvt' pedagogchnomu tovaristv 'Rusky besd' kooperativ 'People torgvlya' she n.

Dyalnst zhnok in Tsikh tovaristvah, yak usually not directly bula pov'yazana z spetsifchno femnstichnimi zavdannyami, ale ob'ktivno spriyala new psihologchnomu spriynyattyu zhnki in susplstv. Dyalnst zhnochih organzatsy perodu persho svtovo vyni bula tsno pov'yazana s current natsonalno-susplnimi require. Y vonn Rocky zhnotstvo took an active part in that dobrochinny santarny robot. In that Kiv nshih mstsyah Ukrainian zhnki pratsyuvali in 'Tovaristv Relief bzhentsyam' dopomagayuchi vtkacham, zakladnikam that polonenim. Kivsky Ukrayinsky Club for Spital peretvoreny LUVs in yakomu pratsyuvali Ukrainian zhnki, veduchi odnochasno natsonalno-vihovnu robot sered wounds. So very active in haritativny dyalnost pratsyuvalo zhnotstvo Zahdno Ukraine. Y Vdn Ukrainian zhnki zasnuvali Komtet Relief wounds soldier, scho opkuvavsya ukranskimi warriors on vdenskim lkarnyam. Young zhnotstvo contained up to a warehouse vyskovih chastin.


1. Windows almost do not miss the cold in the room. In practice, any window produces more heat from your room to the street than any wall. That is, in terms of heat required to construct an apartment with no windows. Want to live in such a interesting house? Windows and doors are not looking for anything give the most heat loss in an ordinary home.

No in all respects, the warm ups. Unfortunately? However, normal present-day window is approximately twice as effectively save heat in your home than the old wood. The only weak link in the modern metal-glass window is, by virtue of higher thermal conductivity compared with plastic. Heat exchange process is beyond stopped, but allowed to slow down by using energy-saving glass, plastic sheeting, triple-pane windows. 2.

Window, without exception, all jammed street noise. Gum street under the window, hitting a , the noise though strongly attenuated plastic windows with normal glazing, but will still be heard, by the secondary vibration plastic and glass. Personally, if no digits, the noise does not disappear, but it decreases very significantly by compensating for fluctuations with rubber gaskets. Moreover stands to break a window to a larger number of small parts, since large glass more susceptible to resonance. Moreover, one must remember that as soon as you open the window – all the insulation away. Once you have seriously decided to fight the noise, you need to take care of the air conditioner. 3. Inside the glass – vacuum.


From 9 to 12 April 2009 at CEC "Expocentre" on Red Presnya held the 2nd International Exhibition for professionals and amateurs Landscape Design – 'House and the SBP / MOSCOW GARDEN SHOW'. The exhibition took place competition 'Fashion on the landscape', the theme of the competition This year's "Garden for the stars." Our garden won the Grand Prix in the competition! The authors of the project – Belogrud Irina, Natalia Kaminska explication of the plan: 1) Wooden flooring 2) Tapestry 3) Mirror 4) Gravel dumping Garden "Inspiration" nomination mini-garden is dedicated to Boris Shcherbakov. Every creator and maker need inspiration, in the heart of any creative work is an inspiration, an actor, it is required to play the role well. By creating this garden, we wanted to our garden, Boris Shcherbakov attended the inspiration that brought as a result of the fruits of his creative life. Violet is used in the garden – attracted philosophers and dreamy nature, carries something romantic. Garden Area 24 sqm.

Round deck, located in the center, focuses on all the space of the garden, the action unfolds like about him. In the composition of plants, such as vertical accents, used Thuy cropped under spiral – it gives it a uniqueness and individuality. On one side is adjacent to the garden wall of a building to expand the space and create the perception of continuation of the garden, the project had used a large round mirror. Plants and purple lanterns reflected in a mirror, catch the eye, I want to stay in front and the back wall porazmyshlyat.Na for decking using vertical planting techniques, we use galvanized mesh She serves as the basis for the plant. Plants pistachio and golden tones, climb the back wall, enliven the garden, add the accents of the composition and create a joyful mood. Thanks to the trellis, plants and "green wall "behind the scenes and there is a sense of security, in such a garden wants to retire and meditate. Boris Shcherbakov was in this garden, he liked the idea of designers, their opinions, he expressed the words: – My garden is the the best! The goal was achieved, the actor Shcherbakov not remain indifferent, and we were awarded the title winners!