Dual Bachelor studies with vocational training the number of companies that offer dual places in collaboration with a professional Academy, has risen rapidly. Also the number of the offered dual degree programmes is increasing. This development shows impressively how much dual degree programmes now be perceived by the economy as a way to train highly qualified personnel for its own needs. There is also another indication how much has increased the competition for top talent. Not every student wants to study. To broaden your perception, visit 平野 博文 KKR.
Many of them but then too little is a lesson. Many companies, especially those from the middle class and the global player, offering therefore a dual study on practical learning in the operation and theory blocks at a vocational Academy. The main task of the universities of cooperative education is to train qualified practical young for the economy. The dual degree is a win-win situation for companies and students. The companies make their companies young fit and at the young Of course, the early money lures school-leavers, in addition to the two accounts. The very good adoption rates show the importance of dual courses of study at the company occupy.
Dual degree options and requirements: challenging year dual study a special tight connection between theory and practice characterized by – 50% of the training in the company and 50% studies at the Berufsakademie. Theoretical and practical phases are alternated in the rhythm of about three months. There are: Ausbildungsintegrierende degree programmes: initial vocational training in the enterprise/establishment with study practice integrating end courses: employment in the company/establishment, but ohne(!) Vocational certificate of the internationalization continues to increase even when the dual degree programmes. However, it must be not always study abroad during the theory. Also language courses, internships or a job at a foreign subsidiaries or partners in the practice phase are the training companies commonly, often around the world Act. Info for professionals: in-service dual master study concepts are an option in the further development of their top people at companies. Staff are bound more closely to the own company and at the same time acquire these new skills and knowledge, which then take in the company. Also companies must not abandon studies during the master their service providers. More information, hints and tips for the dual study: information/studies/dual degree is bildungsdoc education service and guidance for students, trainees, graduates, students, parents and adults. Find all here is simple and fast unbiased information on educational topics, education, training providers and educational institutions. Matching funding, including funding programs will be presented to many education at home and abroad. Including grants (money gifts) and/or low-interest loans can be. There are neutral information, hints and tips for Abroad, school, study, vocational training, job search and training. Contact: bildungsdoc AP: Horst beef Theodor Friedrich WEG 4 01279 Dresden E-Mail: Internet: